
Student Representative Council

"The T探花精选 SRC philosophy focuses on the image of servant leadership as presented by Jesus, both through his life, and in his teaching. At T探花精选, student leadership is not just about being recognised but learning to become a genuine servant leader of our community."


Our student representatives are involved in a number of leadership development activities throughout the year. Part of the responsibility undertaken by students who become student leaders is to challenge themselves, to think about their leadership styles, set goals and bond together as a team. Our student leaders often develop social action groups within the College and muster support for local and wider community charities.

During the course of the school year, each student representative conducts class room meetings, gathering information about what is of concern to students in their homerooms and year levels. The students regularly report back to the wider group discussing issues, consulting with relevant staff to resolve the issues and then feeding back ideas and outcomes to their peers.The College Captains have the added responsibility of regularly reporting the student perspective to the College Board at their monthly meetings.

T探花精选 SRC has an important role at Assemblies. Generally the College Captains lead the way, acting as Masters of Ceremonies while other SRC act as readers and give reports as required. This particular responsibility of speaking fluently and coherently in front of a large audience is something that is encouraged and developed in our student leaders.

Our student leaders also volunteer as ushers for events such as Principal's Tours and Parent Information and Orientation Evenings and attend a number of special events in the College calendar as representatives and ambassadors of our College.

SRC Portfolios

Our student Leadership team are keen to represent the students of T探花精选 by helping the College Executive make decisions which are pertinent to student welfare and engagement while at school.

Alongside of this they work within smaller teams with Staff Mentors on various special interest groups or portfolios.

Responsibilities of All Students

To contribute to a safe and supportive learning environment for all, it is expected that all students behave responsibly by:

  • Wearing the College uniform correctly.
  • Communicating appropriately by being polite, courteous and well mannered in their dealings with each other and staff.
  • Being tolerant of all people regardless of race, gender or disability.
  • Showing respect, consideration and courtesy to community members.
  • Resolving conflicts appropriately.
  • Respecting property.
  • Taking pride and actively maintaining the College environment.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude to learning.
  • Accepting responsibilities.
  • Working collaboratively.
  • Treating all justly.
  • Seeking assistance when conflict requires resolution.
  • Accepting and responding to challenges.
  • Recognising and learning from mistakes.
  • Accepting and celebrating the success of self and others.

At T探花精选, all students are expected to:

  • Be punctual and prepared for all lessons.

  • Respect others, their dignity and safety.

  • Respect the property of others and their environment.

  • Remain on task.

  • Listen to what others have to say.

  • Follow rules specific to each learning area.

We believe education is at the heart of a life well lived. It is a philosophy we instil in our students and one which underpins our College maxim.